AM Sermon 4/13/14: Reverent Living

Published April 13, 2014 by admin in Sermon Outlines

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AM Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12.25-29

This Morning’s Sermon:

Brent T. Willey


Hebrews 12.28


  1. Urging Jewish Christians to faithful commitment to Christ, the Hebrew writer contrasts Mt. Sinai & Mt. Zion (Heb. 12.18-24).
  2. The writer follows with a solemn warning that implores his Hebrew brethren to “serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear” (vs. 25-29; esp. v. 28).
    1. Reverence [eulabeia]: “properly, caution; religiously, reverence or piety” (Strong).
    2. Godly fear [deos]: “awe” (Thayer); “reverence” (Friberg).
  3. What does a reverent-filled life look like?


  1. “Let us have grace” may be rendered, “let us be grateful and worship God” (UBS Trans.); also “thankfulness” (Alford).
  2. Thankful hearts sincerely reverence God in all things!
    1. The healed Samaritan leper (Luke 17.12-19).
    2. We too should “give glory to God,” because we have been cleansed from something much worse than leprosy!


  1. “By which we may serve God,” indicates an action that is God-centered, not self-centered.
  2. Only a selfless attitude can truly reverence God!
    1. The Pharisee vs. the tax collector (Luke 18.9-14).
    2. Having reverence for God means understanding that we are hopelessly lost and are nothing without Him!


  1. “Serve God acceptably” further qualifies the extent of our service. [euaŕestōs: “well pleasing to one” (Thayer).]
  2. The level of reverence will determine the level of sacrifice!
    1. “Present your bodies a living sacrifice…” (Rom. 12.1).
    2. If we truly reverence God as the greatest reality of the universe, we will give our lives to Him!

Conclusion: What level of reverence do we display towards God? Is it sincere, selfless and sacrificial? We should know – God does!

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