AM Sermon 9/23/12: What We Make It

Published September 25, 2012 by admin in Sermon Outlines

AM Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5.1-11

Brent T. Willey



  1. Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him” (2 Cor. 5.9).

  2. Philotiméomai: “eager or earnest to do something” (Strong).

  3. We shall examine four important applications…


  1. We can choose our attitudes! It’s a conscious decision.

  2. Listen to Scripture:

    1. Every day is from God – be positive! (Psa. 118.24)

    2. We are the products of our thoughts! (Prov. 23.7)

    3. Possess Christ’s attitude! (Phil. 2.5 – niv).


  1. We decide what our own behavior is going to be!

    1. Paul spoke of his “former conduct” (Gal. 1.13; Eph. 4.2).

    2. Anastrophé, lit., “a turning back;” met., “manner of life”

  2.  We choose our behavior, actions & habits in this life!
    1. If we are going to serve God! (Josh. 24.15; Matt. 6.33)

    2. If we are going to be obedient! (John 14.15; Luke 6.46)

    3. If we are going to worship! (John 4.23-24; Heb. 10.25)


  1. Many are too concerned about he wrong things!

    1. Material things of this life. (Luke 12.15)

    2. Some are “Lovers of pleasure” (2 Tim. 3.4)

    3. Some are “obsessed with disputes” (1 Tim. 6.4)

  2.  Our concerns should be…
    1. Sound doctrine” (Titus 2.1; 2 Tim. 4.3; 2 Tim. 2.2)

    2. Edification (Rom. 14.19; 15.1 – nasb)

    3. Winning souls for Christ (Prov. 11.30; Matt. 28.19-20)

    4. Caring for our brethren’s needs (James 1.27)


  1. We choose our destiny! (Deut. 30.19; Matt. 7.13-14)
  2. What does it take?
    1. The Christ-like attitude (Phil. 2.5)
    2. Godly behavior (Matt. 5.16)
    3. Selfless concerns (Phil. 2.3-4)

Conclusion: We must “make it our aim” to please God!

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