AM Sermon 1/4/15: The First Sunday Sermon

Published January 4, 2015 by admin in Sermon Outlines, Sermon Recordings

AM Scripture Reading: Acts 2.42-47

This Morning’s Sermon:

Brent T. Willey


(What A Beginning!)


  1. In my Last Sunday Sermon (The Days of Our Lives), I dealt with beginnings, transitions and decisions.
  2. Having embarked upon a new year (2015), we now turn our attention to The First Sunday Sermon…
  3. The first Sunday on which the early disciples met on the Day of Pentecost in the city of Jerusalem over 1900 years ago has tremendous significance for Christians today! (Acts 2.1-47)


  1. Nothing occurred coincidentally on that Sunday in Jerusalem!
  2. Jesus promised to build His church. (Matt. 16.18-19)
    1. Disciples in Jerusalem. (Luke 24.44-49; Acts 1.1-8; 2.1)
    2. That first Sunday the church was established! (Acts 2.47)
    3. We too should plan for every “first day of the week” – Sunday!
    4. Christ’s kingdom is a matter of priorities! (Matt. 6.33)
    5. This assembly is not to be “forsaken” (Heb. 10.24-25)


  1. With the beginning of the church on that first Sunday, clearly a routine was established: “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2.42).
  2. We too assemble for important purposes! (John 4.23-24)
    1. Doctrine – is to be “sound.” (1 Tim. 1.3; Gal. 1.6-9)
    2. Fellowship – emphasizes unity. (Phil. 2.1-2)
    3. Lord’s Supper – “communion.” (1 Cor. 10.16; 11.23-26)
    4. Prayer – petitioning God. (Eph. 6.18)
    5. Contribution – cheerfully. (1 Cor. 16.1-2; 2 Cor. 9.7)


  1. The first gospel sermon preached that Sunday was timely, powerful and effective! (Acts 2.14-41)
  2. We must proclaim the same powerful gospel! (Rom. 1.16-17)
    1. Jesus commissioned it. (Matt. 28.18-20; Mark 16.15-16)
    2. Souls need to be challenged. (2 Tim. 4.2-5)

Conclusion: Let’s make every Sunday an important priority this year!

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