AM Sermon 7/7/13: Regrettable Words

Published July 6, 2013 by admin in Sermon Outlines

AM Scripture Reading: James 3.1-12

This Morning’s Sermon:

Brent T. Willey


James 3.1-12


  1. James’ admonition is always timely and is in total agreement with Solomon’s proverbial wisdom (Prov. 18.21), as well as the judicious words of our Savior (Matt. 12.36-37).
  2. We would do well to contemplate James’ teaching regarding the power of the spoken word…

V. 1: THE CONTEXT- Influencing Other Minds…

  1. Teachers” [“masters” – kjv]: didaskalos- an instructor, with the thought of one who persuasively influences others. (E.g., 2 Tim. 4.2-4)
  2. We do not want to teach anything we would later regret! (2 Pet. 2.1-3)

V. 2: THE IDEAL- A Perfect Man Indeed!

  1. Perfect” [margin- “mature”]: teleios- completeness; it conveys the idea of complete maturity. (E.g., Phil. 3.15)
  2. Jesus alone mastered this – no regrets! (1 Pet. 2.21-23)

Vs. 3-5: THE POWER- A Controlling Little Member!

  1. James’ illustrations: horses, ships & forest fires…
  2. Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18.21), which makes it a significant little member!

Vs. 6-8: THE DANGER- Set On Fire By Hell!

  1. What seems so vitally important to say at the time, can end up being greatly regretted because of the damage caused.
  2. The general rule: “But no man can tame the tongue” (v. 8), but this was not stated to mitigate regrettable words!

Vs. 9-12: THE INCONSISTENCY- Blessing & Cursing?

  1. How we talk to others matters, and what we say about others matters! (Prov. 6.19; 16.28; 22.10; 26.20; cf., Gal. 5.22-23)
  2. This inconsistency may be the biggest issue we face when it comes to verbal communication. (Matt. 12.37)

Conclusion: Our confession of faith (Matt. 10.32-33), and genuine acknowledgement of sin will never be regretted (2 Cor. 7.10)!

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