Here I Am

Published January 22, 2013 by admin in Articles

When Jesus called Ananias to go speak to Saul of Tarsus, Ananias answered, “Here I am, Lord” (Acts 9.10). Ananias was not informing Jesus of his whereabouts; the Lord was quite aware of his location! Rather, he was saying (in effect), “I am listening; You have my attention.”

Numerous Old Testament characters spoke those same words in answer to God’s call or to other people. For example, when God called Abraham to offer Isaac, Abraham responded, “Here I am” (Gen. 22.1). As he and Isaac went up the mountain, Isaac called to his father. Abraham again replied, “Here I am” (22.7). In both instances, Abraham was saying, “You have my attention; I am listening; I want to hear what you have to say.”

Other great men who used this same expression include Jacob (Gen. 31.11); Joseph (Gen. 37.13); Moses (Exod 3.4); Samuel (1 Sam. 3.4-8); and of course, Isaiah (6.8). Even God Himself promised that when His people cried out to Him, He would say, “Here I am” (Isa. 58.9). What a magnificent thought – the almighty ruler of the universe is interested in what you and I say to Him! “What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!”

In addition to the privilege of prayer, let us learn two things: First, be genuinely interested in what other people say. Abraham listened attentively to his son Isaac’s question. Joseph respectfully listened to Jacob’s instructions and obeyed them. Family members should to listen to each other. Let’s start saying, “Here I am. You have my attention. I am interested in what you have to say.”

Finally, listen to God and obey Him. God speaks today through His inspired word, the Bible. Are we listening? That is, are we interested enough to read His word? Let’s be we willing to study it, digging deeply to gain insight, and then say to God, “Here I am!”

[Adapted, Joe Slater; BTW]

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