The Disadvantages In Being A Christian

Published January 19, 2013 by admin in Articles

Jesus offered these reflective words: “And He was saying to them all, ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me’” (Luke 9.23)

If a salesman spent time talking about the disadvantages in buying a new car, he wouldn’t be employed long. When we think about the advantages of being a Christian, we must remember Jesus said we must count the cost.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a “half full glass” kind of guy, but there are serious disadvantages too. For example, the devil is more interested in Christians. After all, the lost are in his hip pocket. We must wrestle, not with flesh and blood, says Paul, but the spiritual forces of wickedness (Eph. 6.12). I recommend everyone to read The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis who provides a devil’s point of view how he tries to overcome our faith on a daily basis.

Plus, we are called to set our standard above the world, and that means we fail more often, and suffer disappointment in ourselves as well as guilt. The world doesn’t need to struggle to maintain a level of spirituality, or good works or to develop character. Many simply say, “This is me and if you don’t like it, tough, take a hike.” However, Christians care what others think of them. Christians try to improve their character and develop moral, ethical and spiritual attributes. The Lord expects us to be “holy as He is holy” (1 Pet. 1.16).

Next, we know our failures result in greater consequences.  Because of our greater knowledge of God’s will and greater privileges, we are held to a greater responsibility (James 4.17).  When a Christian falls, it not only hurts him, it hurts other Christians, and the cause he so greatly embraces.

Finally, Christians wrestle with issues that are not even on the radar of an atheist or an unbeliever. They do not wrestle with doubt. They do not have to face the paradox of evil in the world. “It just is,” to them. We want answers, but sometimes we have no answers and we must, in faith, leave the matters to God.

But listen please; don’t the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages? There will be more to say about those advantages!

[-Adapted & Edited, BTW]

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