The Worth of Life

Published April 21, 2013 by admin in Articles

Many of the news reports cautioned viewers that the material they were about to read or watch was graphic. One bystander reported a detached leg flying past his head. Others talked about the severed limbs of many of those injured by the Boston Marathon Bomber. The pictures coming out were grisly and chaotic, as individuals who at one point were celebrating the completion of a world-renowned marathon were instantly thrown into a chaotic frenzy as they tried to figure out the origin of the explosions.

We can expect the news media to “feast” upon this tragedy for over the next couple of days. Lots of time will be spent speculating why this heinous act was carried out, and who actually was responsible for the bombing. News agencies will interview individuals who were there, relatives of victims, and emergency responders as they try to cover this gory event.

While I do not wish to minimize the tragic event in Boston, it is ironic that a couple hundred miles south of Boston there is a trial going on of an even more grisly scene-and yet most news agencies refuse to cover it. Kermit Gosnell, an American physician is on trial charged with eight counts of murder. The prosecutors have revealed that on at least seven occasions Dr. Gosnell plunged scissors into the necks of infants, who had already been delivered, and severed their spinal cords, killing them. In another instance he delivered too much anesthesia, killing the patient who was there to receive an abortion. This is mass murder, and yet our media remains relatively quiet!

Investigators have gone into detail about the gory conditions in Gosnell’s clinic. It has been described as a “house of horrors.” And yet, most Americans have no idea who this man is and the atrocities he has committed. Pennsylvania outlaws abortion past 24 weeks, and yet it was estimated that 40% of Gosnell’s patients were past the 24-week mark. Any babies that were born alive in his clinic he simply killed.

But you should be asking yourself the obvious question: Why does one incident of gore and death capture 24/7 news attention and the other is quietly ignored? The answer to this question goes to the essence of what we are teaching young people today: human life in the womb has no value. They are being indoctrinated with the evolutionary mantra that we all evolved from a common ancestor, and thus this early life is not worthy of protection. It’s not worthy of news coverage. In other words, many in our nation no longer embrace the notion that life is God-given, and that we were made in His image and likeness (Gen. 1.26-27). [-Adapted, Brad Harrub; BTW]

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